How and Why to Join the Society
The Ford Society is a lively and friendly group of people interested in Ford, twentieth-century writing, modernism and the First World War. We share a belief that Ford is a fascinating writer, but are not obsessive or exclusively focused on him. As you can see from the topics of the annual International Ford Madox Ford Studies volumes, we think that part of the interest is the range of Ford’s connections with other leading or intriguing figures, movements, and periods. You don’t have to be a Ford expert to join, but we hope our activities and conferences will arouse your interest in exploring more of his extraordinary work.
All current members of the Ford Madox Ford Society receive our journal Last Post as well as updates about Society news and events, conferences and recent publications.
If you would like to become a member of the Society, please send payment for the appropriate rate to one of the Society’s membership secretaries (details below).
All current members of the Ford Madox Ford Society receive our journal Last Post as well as updates about Society news and events, conferences and recent publications.
If you would like to become a member of the Society, please send payment for the appropriate rate to one of the Society’s membership secretaries (details below).
In the UK (£)
If you wish to join the Society in the UK/pay in Sterling, please contact Dr Paul Skinner email: [email protected] In the US ($) Dr Seamus O'Malley Stern College for Women Department of English 215 Lexington Ave Room 706 New York, NY 10016 USA email: [email protected] |
General Member $50.00 US Student/Adjunct: $25.00 US PayPal below for US chapter members
In Europe (€)
If you wish to pay to join the Society in Euros, please contact Dominique Lemarchal
email: [email protected]
If you wish to pay to join the Society in Euros, please contact Dominique Lemarchal
email: [email protected]
We urge members based in the UK to pay by standing order. This lessens the administrative burden on the Society’s officers, and is very easy to set up: all you have to do is to contact your bank and ask that the appropriate amount is paid annually in January to the following account, until further notice:
The Ford Madox Ford Society Sort code: 40-06-29 Account no.: 21391100
Download and mail in the membership form below.
Registered Charity No. 1084040
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