We are appealing for contributions to our website!
We’re looking for notes and information of all sorts. We want people to engage with the website because it is, after all, or should be, a space for Society members and Ford enthusiasts of all sorts and degrees. We want, particularly, to gather together information which is currently being shared in social media posts, personal correspondence and the websites of groups and gatherings.
What sort of things are we after? Calls for papers, conferences, meetings of other literary societies. A lot of those people interested in Ford are also interested in Pound or Woolf or Aldington; in Mansfield, H. D., Yeats, Rebecca West; in Vernon Lee or James Joyce or Robert Graves. The points of connection or overlap or affinity are innumerable, so news about those other gatherings (physical or intellectual or both) would be very welcome.
Then mentions of Ford, or Ford-related items, in reviews of other books, in opinion pieces, in books or essays or articles, perhaps new or obscure, where they haven’t been picked up before or, when they have been noticed, not widely circulated. More generally, what Ashley Chantler, in the Newsletter, used to ask for, in addition to reviews: Notes, Queries and Trouvailles (happy finds: happiness is not, in the first instance, mandatory, just the finding). Any reference, large or small, a panoramic view of the Western Front or a finger laid upon a wrist, may be of interest to Fordians.
But we’re also looking for original contributions. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece (though that would be welcome) but, for instance, a brief explanation of why you value or particularly like a less well-known Ford book. The Good Soldier, Parade’s End, the autobiographies are pretty well covered (but knowing how you discovered these texts, what drew you to them and where they led you next would be fascinating). On the other hand, are you bullish about The Benefactor? Mad about Mister Bosphorus and the Muses? Ravished by Ring for Nancy? Provoked by The Portrait? We want to hear about it. And we’d like to hear about any other offers or ideas about subjects that might be of interest.
The following are examples of recent/past contributions to the site:
'The Turgenev/Flaubert Thing', by Paul Ottaviano
'Ford's The Good Soldier Wins The Cheltenham Booker 1915 at 2015 Festival', by Alan Judd
Review: 'Biala: Vision and Memory', by Martin Stannard
And here, as a reminder of past contributions to the Society Newsletter, is a link to the 2013 edition (see p. 16 onwards for the ‘Notes, Queries, Reviews, Trouvailles’ section).
Please send any contributions, suggestions, physical or digital details, to:
Rob Hawkes, [email protected]
or Paul Lewis, [email protected]
We’re looking for notes and information of all sorts. We want people to engage with the website because it is, after all, or should be, a space for Society members and Ford enthusiasts of all sorts and degrees. We want, particularly, to gather together information which is currently being shared in social media posts, personal correspondence and the websites of groups and gatherings.
What sort of things are we after? Calls for papers, conferences, meetings of other literary societies. A lot of those people interested in Ford are also interested in Pound or Woolf or Aldington; in Mansfield, H. D., Yeats, Rebecca West; in Vernon Lee or James Joyce or Robert Graves. The points of connection or overlap or affinity are innumerable, so news about those other gatherings (physical or intellectual or both) would be very welcome.
Then mentions of Ford, or Ford-related items, in reviews of other books, in opinion pieces, in books or essays or articles, perhaps new or obscure, where they haven’t been picked up before or, when they have been noticed, not widely circulated. More generally, what Ashley Chantler, in the Newsletter, used to ask for, in addition to reviews: Notes, Queries and Trouvailles (happy finds: happiness is not, in the first instance, mandatory, just the finding). Any reference, large or small, a panoramic view of the Western Front or a finger laid upon a wrist, may be of interest to Fordians.
But we’re also looking for original contributions. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece (though that would be welcome) but, for instance, a brief explanation of why you value or particularly like a less well-known Ford book. The Good Soldier, Parade’s End, the autobiographies are pretty well covered (but knowing how you discovered these texts, what drew you to them and where they led you next would be fascinating). On the other hand, are you bullish about The Benefactor? Mad about Mister Bosphorus and the Muses? Ravished by Ring for Nancy? Provoked by The Portrait? We want to hear about it. And we’d like to hear about any other offers or ideas about subjects that might be of interest.
The following are examples of recent/past contributions to the site:
'The Turgenev/Flaubert Thing', by Paul Ottaviano
'Ford's The Good Soldier Wins The Cheltenham Booker 1915 at 2015 Festival', by Alan Judd
Review: 'Biala: Vision and Memory', by Martin Stannard
And here, as a reminder of past contributions to the Society Newsletter, is a link to the 2013 edition (see p. 16 onwards for the ‘Notes, Queries, Reviews, Trouvailles’ section).
Please send any contributions, suggestions, physical or digital details, to:
Rob Hawkes, [email protected]
or Paul Lewis, [email protected]