Tom Stoppard's acclaimed five-part adaptation of Ford Madox Ford's Parade's End, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Rebecca Hall, Adelaide Clemens, Roger Allam, Rupert Everett and Miranda Richardson, is to be screened in full at the Barbican, London, on 16 August 2015. To find out more and to book tickets, please visit:
Originally screened in the UK on BBC2 in August/September 2012, the mini-series subsequently aired in the USA on HBO in February 2013 and has now been shown, or is due to be shown, in more that 35 countries around the world. To read more about Parade's End and the adaptation, see the Parade's End page on this site.
Originally screened in the UK on BBC2 in August/September 2012, the mini-series subsequently aired in the USA on HBO in February 2013 and has now been shown, or is due to be shown, in more that 35 countries around the world. To read more about Parade's End and the adaptation, see the Parade's End page on this site.